Payroll giving
Make payday even better with the knowledge you’re giving new smiles to children with cleft conditions, every month. Payroll giving is the simplest and most tax-effective way to donate to Operation Smile.
Gifting smiles with payroll giving
Make payday even better with the knowledge you’re giving new smiles to children with cleft conditions, every month. Payroll giving is the simplest and most tax-effective way to donate to Operation Smile.
It costs less to give more, because the donation’s taken from your gross wage, before tax. This means a donation of £12.50 a month costs you just £10 and after 12 months you’ve covered the costs of life-saving surgery for child. That’s less than a cup of coffee a week to change a child’s life!
Every donation helps children with cleft conditions
Payroll giving helps change the lives of children suffering with a cleft lip or palate all around the world.
£15 pays for antibiotics for 10 children
£50 covers the medical supplies needed for an operation
£150 gives a child their life-changing cleft surgery
Sign up today
It couldn’t be simpler to sign up and start changing the lives of children with cleft conditions. You’ll have complete control over the donation amount and the frequency of payments, and you can start from as little as £1 a month.
Contact our team to learn more