Latest news

Here you can find the latest news and press releases from Operation Smile and learn more about our work.  From new partnerships and fundraising campaigns, to how we’re striving for changes to world health policy. Not forgetting our plans to bring safe, affordable cleft care to 1 million patients in our next decade.

About cleft conditions

Every three minutes, somewhere in the world, a child is born with a cleft condition. Here you can find out more about the causes of cleft. As well as common questions about cleft lip and cleft palate.

About Operation Smile

More than four decades ago, Operation Smile started as a family-led organisation, but now has a global footprint. Working in more than 30 countries, helped by thousands of highly-skilled medical volunteers. We aim to bring free, safe surgery and cleft care to children and adults with cleft conditions worldwide.

Two surgeons wearing surgical scrubs, caps and masks, operating on a patient covered in a blue cloth.

Contact Operation Smile

For media queries, please contact:

Jessica Nazzari

Jessica Nazzari

Head of Digital and Communications

020 3475 5126

Jo Haywood

Communications Manager

020 3475 5126